

Transfers the process number 2 from the predecessor to the successor. The process number 2 is copied or linked on the basis of the field Process no. from predecessor in the object reference matrix.

Optionally, a process description can also be entered in the ECM process link table. For this purpose, the document definitions can be transferred here.


[TargetProcessNo2:= ] CopySourceProcessNo2ToTarget(SourceRecordVariant: Variant; TargetRecordVariant: Variant; SubstituteProcessNo2: Code[20])
[TargetProcessNo2:= ] CopySourceProcessNo2ToTarget(SourceRecordVariant: Variant; TargetRecordVariant: Variant; SubstituteProcessNo2: Code[20]; CreateProcessIfNec: Boolean; var SourceECMDocDef: Record "ECM Document Definition"; var TargetECMDocDef: Record "ECM Document Definition")



Type: Variant

Is the source data record (predecessor) from which the process number 2 is determined in order to establish a link with a target data record.

If the source record does not yet contain a process number 2, a new process number 2 is created.

Tip: The SourceRecordVariant can be passed as Record, RecordID or RecordRef.


Type: Variant

Is the target record (successor) that is linked to the source record using the process number 2.

If the target record does not yet contain an process number 2, a new process number is created.

Tip: The TargetRecordVariant can be passed as Record, RecordID or RecordRef.


Type: Code

If no process number 2 can be determined for the target record (successor), this number is used as the process number 2.

[Optional] CreateProcessIfNec

Type: Boolean

If this variable has the value TRUE and the field Create process is activated in the corresponding ECM document definition, a process is created.

More Information: ECM Document Definition - "Assign" FastTab

[Optional] Variable: SourceECMDocDef

Type: Record "ECM Document Definition"

Here you can optionally enter the ECM document definition for the source data record in order to create a process in the process table.

More Information: ECM Document Definition - "Assign" FastTab

[Optional] Variable: TargetECMDocDef

Type: Record "ECM Document Definition"

Here you can optionally enter the ECM document definition for the target record to create a process in the process table.

More Information: ECM Document Definition - "Assign" FastTab

Return Value:


Typ: Code

The process number 2 from the successor is returned here.

