Storing Documents

Documents can be stored or exported from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central both manually and automatically.


If on the side of a document the ECM action Save and send is available, the user can archive the document as a PDF file via this action. It will be automatically assigned to the selected record.


The PDF file can be directly stored in the archive and/or sent via e-mail. Moreover, the ability to archive and print out the PDF file is available.


The archived document can be directly opened from the ECM documents FactBox:


The ECM documents FactBox also lets you store documents using drag and drop. To do this, you simply have to drag the document to be archived to the EASY icon in the FactBox, keeping the mouse button depressed.


In addition to the drag and drop functionality, you can also capture documents via the ECM action Assign file, or by clicking the EASY icon on the dropzone. In both cases, an input window "Assign File" opens in which you can manually enter other metadata. After confirming your inputs, a new entry of the document to be archived is generated in the queue, and processed using normal export.

Important: Emails originating from Outlook 365 cannot be dropped directly to the Dropzone in a version smaller than Business Central 22. The reason is that 365er emails are only referenced in Outlook 365 and not automatically downloaded to the computer. Therefore, the email must first be dropped locally, e.g. to the desktop, before it can then be archived from the local file system via the Dropzone.

As of version 22 of Business Central, clicking on the Assist Edit of the File Name field of the "Assign File" dialog displays Business Central's own Dropzone, via which 365 e-mails can be droped directly.


After successful archiving, a document entry is written for the file. This is used, on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central side, to link the archive entry with the record in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central from which the file was archived. The archived file can be displayed by clicking the entry in the document list of the FactBox.


For automatic storage, a corresponding code that places the respective document including its management entries / indices in a defined archive is stored in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, either when you post or when you print defined documents.

The following sample documents are available by default; they can be archived after activating and running the interface:





Sales Quotes


Purchase Orders

Sales Orders


Blanket Purchase Orders

Blanket Sales Orders


Sales Return Orders

Sales Return Orders








Return Shipments

Return Receipt


Credit Memos

Credit Memos


If archive setup is enabled for the corresponding documents and if a corresponding document definition has been configured for the document, the documents will be archived or prepared for archiving with the named actions by entering in the queue.

To archive other documents (e.g. weighing slips, service orders, packing slips, transport orders, stock requisitions, accompanying certificates, etc.), you have to install the corresponding extensions.