ECM Document Definitions


Document definitions are of crucial importance for linking Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and EASY Archive / Microsoft SharePoint. They are used to set in detail and for each document type created in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central which data will be transferred from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and EASY Archive / Microsoft SharePoint, and how this is performed in terms of time.

The document definitions are used to specify from which source tables and source fields the document entries are populated and whether at the same time activity log entries are generated in the CRM module. You therefore have to assign a document definition to each type of internal documents stored in an ECM system and for which document entries are to be created.

A document definition can be configured for the uses Report, View Import, Assign & File, Assign, File, SharePoint and Link SharePoint.

Creating new document definitions can be simplified by using the Copy definition function. This function facilitates largely automated population of definition lines which will then only have to be subsequently processed or supplemented.

ECM document definition actions




Store or Re-Assign documents in hindsight

This action is used to launch a subsequent archiving process for the selected document definition. The request page of the processing report appears which allows entering other filters (document date and document number). More info on the report Subsequently archive documents

Copy definition*

Copies setup (header and rows) of a document definition to be selected to this definition.

When creating a new definition and no other field is populated except for the code, the "Including header" option must be enabled, because otherwise values cannot be imported. This is because the "Table ID", "ECM server code", and "ECM repository" fields are validated and, if necessary, a new error message appears.

Copy definition to other companies

This function copies a document definition(s) to any number of other companies. Copying Setup Data to Other Companies

Refresh ECM Repository/ library reference and content type

This function refresh es the ECM Repository / Library reference field.

Initialize lines*

This function initializes the rows for the most important metadata fields after a template has been selected. The table ID is set as a required field here.

Validating Header & lines

This function targets the lines of a selected document definition. The lines are validated and corrected if necessary. In case of a correction, you will find the "Error message" of the validation process in the Comment column.

Validating Header & lines with Messages

This function targets the lines of a selected document definition. The lines are validated and any misconfigurations detected are output in a message.

Initialize Object Reference Matrix*

This function initializes or refreshes a record in the ECM object reference matrix. This is only required for document definitions whose table does not exist in the "Internal Standard Object Reference Matrix". ECM Object Reference Matrix


Import ECM document definitions

Imports document definitions that have previously been exported in XML file format from another database. This ensures transfer from legacy systems to new systems, or from test systems to production systems.

Export all ECM document definitions

Exports all document definitions to an XML file.

Export selected ECM document definitions

Exports selected document definitions to an XML file.

Import ECM document definitions (C/SIDE format)

Imports document definitions that have been exported in XML file format from a C/SIDE implementation. This enables continued operation of the interface when switching from C/SIDE implementations (EASY for Dynamics NAV to Dynamics 365 Business Central version 14) to AL Code in Dynamics 365 Business Central. This data port automatically performs a transformation to the new data model.