Displays a selection dialog for sending and/or filing a document.
[ErrorCode:= ] SaveAndSendDialog(var ECMDocDef: Record
"ECM Document Definition"
; MainRecordVariant: Variant; var Selected: Integer)
Variable: ECMDocDef
Type: Record "ECM Document Definition"
ECM document definition for the record. The correct document definition for the record is searched with the API function FindDocDefByRRef
Type: Variant
MainRecord (record) is entered into the ECM queue and is needed for processing (metadata and PDF creation).
Tip: The MainRecord can be passed as Record, RecordID or RecordRef.
Variable: Selected
Type: Integer
Contains the selected option:
[1] a PDF will be created and added to the ECM queue.
[2] a PDF will be created and sent as e-mail
[3] a PDF is created, added to the ECM queue and sent as an email
[4] a PDF is created, added to the ECM queue, sent as email and printed
Return Value:
Type: Integer
ErrorCode = 0 and TransactionNo <> 0 if the operation was successful.
With the function ShowMessage the ErrorCodes can be displayed and with the function WriteLog they can be logged.