ECM On Hold Journals

With the help of the On Hold Journal the user gets direct access to the lines in the On Hold Journal and can check them and edit them if necessary.

The following line types are automatically inserted in the On Hold Journal:

  • References to documents in EASY Archive / SharePoint, are entered using an ECM import document definition and import monitoring.

  • Lines, by the user, when he executes the actions "ECM Document ID (Barcode) Label" or/and "Assign ECM Document ID (Barcode)" on a page. The fields in the line are filled using the ECM document definitions associated with the record.

Furthermore, project specific lines can be generated from the ECMapi using the AssignDocumentID functions.


Two lines (records) of the On Hold Journal belong to one valid archiving record:

  • Either a line of the ECM Repository with the reference to the archived document, waits for the assignment to a Dynamics Business Central record.

  • Or a line of the Dynamics Business Central record with an "ECM Document ID (Barcode)" waits, that the associated document is scanned or imported.

Hence the name On Hold Journal, as there is always a (partial) line waiting to be completed by another line. If both lines contain a matching "ECM Document ID (Barcode)", then these lines are merged into one line.

There is a third type of line: When writing an ECM document entry, an On Hold Journal line is always created beforehand and the mandatory fields are checked. If the mandatory fields are not filled (status "On Hold") or data could be lost when writing the ECM document entry (status "Error"), an On Hold Journalline with status "On Hold" or "Error" is created and no ECM document entry is created.

Please note the status of the line and the actions "Check status" and "Post lines ready for posting".

The user can perform the following actions on the On Hold Journal:

  • Delete lines e.g. if an "ECM Document ID (Barcode)" label was created by mistake.

  • Manually assign scanned and archived external documents to a Dynamics document / process in the On Hold Journal.

  • Fill in mandatory fields manually.

The field "ECM document reference" is a mandatory field that can only be filled in by the system.
The field "Table ID" is another mandatory field from the ECM import document definition, which prevents that document entries are created automatically from imported documents without assigning them to records before. Only when assigning to a Dynamics document / process the table ID will be filled.


Status in the On Hold Journal




This status indicates that an ECM document reference exists and the line can be posted.
When posting, an ECM document entry is written and then the ECM document entry is visible in the associated fact box.

If the status is manually set to "Ready", the mandatory fields are not checked. Therefore, the status should always be changed with the "Check status" action.

On Hold

This record waits to be completed by the user or a function, so that it can then be archived.


An error occurred while processing this line, so that the line could not be processed correctly. Usually a field was shortened during import or the format of the archive field does not match the field in the On Hold Journal.
If the status is set to "On Hold", then processing will continue.

The "Error" status is intended to alert the user to a processing error so that actions can be taken (e.g. checking the configuration of the document definition) to ensure that this error does not occur again in the future.

Actions in the On Hold Journal



Check Status

Checks the status of the selected journal line. If all mandatory fields of the underlying document definition and the ECM document reference are filled, the Status field is set to "Ready".

This function is applied only to lines with status "On Hold".

Identify required fields

Identifies the required fields of the record, taking the underlying document definition into account.

Scan library/storage and execute import

Executes a scan in the storage determined in the document definition and may import new documents from the storage.

On Hold Journal Work

Opens the page of the On Hold Journal Work


Uses the native 365 Business Central Navigate function to locate other records linked with this record

Navigate Barcode

Uses the native 365 Business Central Navigate function to locate other records that use the same barcode as the initial record.

Post post-ready lines

Executes posting for all lines with the Ready status.

Correct assignment

This action deletes the selected line and re-creates it using the document definition. Following this, an attempt is made to re-assign the barcode.


This function enables searching all records by a specific criterion and replacing that criterion with a new value. This search-and-replace function works like the corresponding default function of a text editor.

On Hold Journal Operations

The On Hold Journal actions provide a wizard that allows performing specific actions for one or more records or the On Hold Journal.




Set record ID

This action determines a record ID that is not present.

Re-assign record ID

This function looks for the associated document definition, based on the record ID, and executes the Assign record function. (e.g. assign to sales invoice).

Supplement through document no.

This action starts a search using the document number and assigns the document to be archived the record that was found. This only works with document definitions where the Assign to On Hold Journal with batch processing check mark is set in the Assign tab.

Supplement through barcode

This action starts a search using the barcode, and assigns the document to be archived the record that was found. By default, a document is assigned to each process that was found using the barcode.

In doing so, the following configurations are used to define the field for the barcode and to set which tables are to be searched. Only those tables will be searched for which the field has been defined for the barcode.

  • Using the Assign document category action, a document definition is assigned to a document category. In doing so, the field via which the assignment is to be made is defined for the barcode. A document category can be assigned multiple document definitions. (Priority 1)


  • Via the Field no. Barcode field, which has been defined in the object reference matrix. (Priority 2)

For document definitions there are special setup fields: Processing Option Assign Barcode, Process Number Tracking , and Priority .

Supplement by Process No.

This function searches using the Process no., and assigns the document to be archived the record that was found.

Supplement by Account No.

This function searches using the Account no., and assigns the document to be archived the record that was found.

Supplement by Contact No.

This function searches using the Contact no., and assigns the document to be archived the record that was found.

Synchronize Process No.

This function synchronizes the process number within a process (no or different process numbers). If the process number of a record located somewhere in a table is the key field, then this process number will be used for synchronization.

If, however, a process number is found in a document entry, this will always take precedence over a process number that was found in a different table.

Retrieve process number duplicates

This function retrieves duplicates of the same process number, ensuring that only one process number exists per barcode.

Reverse doc. reference duplicates

This function retrieves duplicate document references and sets the Duplicate field to True. The duplicate flagged in this way can then be deleted in a second step.

Control panels

Reset record ID

When this checkbox is checked, existing record IDs will also be overwritten.

Create new process number

This control panel is connected to the function of the process number synchronization. When checked, only the new process number will be generated and replace one that may exist.