

Transfers the process number from the predecessor to the successor. The process number is copied or linked on the basis of the field Process no. from predecessor in the object reference matrix.

Optionally, a process description can also be entered in the ECM process link table. For this purpose, the document definitions can be transferred here.


[TargetProcessNo:= ] CopySourceProcessNoToTarget(SourceRecordVariant: Variant; TargetRecordVariant: Variant; SubstituteProcessNo: Code[20]; SaveSourceProcessNo2RRef: Boolean; SaveTargetProcessNo2RRef: Boolean; MultipleProcessNo: Boolean)
[TargetProcessNo:= ] CopySourceProcessNoToTarget(SourceRecordVariant: Variant; TargetRecordVariant: Variant; SubstituteProcessNo: Code[20]; SaveSourceProcessNo2RRef: Boolean; SaveTargetProcessNo2RRef: Boolean; MultipleProcessNo: Boolean; CreateProcessIfNec: Boolean)
[TargetProcessNo:= ] CopySourceProcessNoToTarget(SourceRecordVariant: Variant; TargetRecordVariant: Variant; SubstituteProcessNo: Code[20]; SaveSourceProcessNo2RRef: Boolean; SaveTargetProcessNo2RRef: Boolean; MultipleProcessNo: Boolean; CreateProcessIfNec: Boolean; var SourceECMDocDef: Record "ECM Document Definition"; var TargetECMDocDef: Record "ECM Document Definition")



Type: Variant

Is the source data record (predecessor) from which the process number is determined in order to establish a link with a target data record.

If the source record does not yet contain a process number, a new process number is created.

Tip: The SourceRecordVariant can be passed as Record, RecordID or RecordRef.


Type: Variant

Is the target record (successor) that is linked to the source record using the process number.

If the target record does not yet contain an process number, a new process number is created.

Tip: The TargetRecordVariant can be passed as Record, RecordID or RecordRef.


Type: Code

If no process number can be determined for the target record (successor), this number is used as the process number.


Type: Boolean

If this value is TRUE and the process number in the source data record (predecessor) is not filled, the process number is written to the source data record (predecessor).

If FALSE, the process number is only written to the ECM process number buffer table and the source data record is not changed.


Type: Boolean

If this value is TRUE and the process number in the target data record (successor) is not filled, the process number is written to the target data record (successor).

If FALSE, the process number is only written to the ECM process number buffer table and the source data record is not changed.


Type: Boolean

If this value is TRUE and the option Copy if predecessor - otherwise new no. and link in the object reference matrix is set in the field Process number from predecessor, the successor will be linked to the predecessor and the operation number will not be copied from the predecessor to the successor.

[Optional] CreateProcessIfNec

Type: Boolean

If this variable has the value TRUE and the field Create process is activated in the corresponding ECM document definition, a process is created.

More Information: ECM Document Definition - "Assign" FastTab

[Optional] Variable: SourceECMDocDef

Type: Record "ECM Document Definition"

Here you can optionally enter the ECM document definition for the source data record in order to create a process in the process table.

More Information: ECM Document Definition - "Assign" FastTab

[Optional] Variable: TargetECMDocDef

Type: Record "ECM Document Definition"

Here you can optionally enter the ECM document definition for the target record to create a process in the process table.

More Information: ECM Document Definition - "Assign" FastTab

Return Value:


Typ: Code

The process number from the successor is returned here.

