ECM Job Queue Entries

ECM Job Queue Entries allows you to automate tasks in EASY for Dynamics BC.


The following table provides an overview of the individual fields and their meaning:



Entry No.

The current number is used to uniquely identify the record. Moreover, the Subsequent Task field can be used to reference to a specific Task Scheduler task.

Task Option

Four predefined tasks can be selected in this field:

  • Export - ECM Queue: Exports documents to be stored.

  • Import: Executes import monitoring.

  • Revise & Post: This task initially applies the Check status function, and then Post lines ready for posting to the On Hold Journal.

  • Transfer & Update: This task for automatic transfer first determines for which storages transfer monitoring is activated. After that, the task looks for document entries that refer to the corresponding storages. The next step is to generate transfer entries in the queue for the found document entries where the New ECM Library/Storage Code field is filled. The created queue lines are processed using the regular ECM export.

  • Delete Job Log Entries: This function deletes, at regular intervals, the generated log entries of the task queue of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central standards.
    Only log entries that belong to the ECM number range are deleted.

  • Process No. Clean up Process No. Buffer Table: For technical reasons, the process number is not saved to the source record when using "drag and drop", but it is stored in a Process No. buffer table. This task is used to write the process no. from the buffer table to the source record and to delete the associated entry of the buffer table.

  • Delete ECM Queue Entries: This option can be used to delete entries in the ECM Queue. For this purpose, a report is called that causes only entries to be deleted that have the status "Stored - Archived" and "Finished". Furthermore, the status "Stored - Archived" is checked if an ECM document item exists for this entry. If there is only a ECM On Hold Journal entry or a ECM Document Reversal Entry for this entry, this will be logged with a comment in the ECM Queue and the queue entry will not be deleted.

If one does not want to check whether ECM document entries exist, the status in the ECM Queue must be set from "Stored - Archived" to "Finished" using the "Edit ECM Queue" action.

  • Change ECM Queue Entries Status: This option automatically resets canceled entries (status = Stopped) in the ECM queue to the status "Pending".
    Only ECM Queue entries that are

    • are not older than 2 days

    • have no more than five detail entries

    • have Message Code 52 or 53 OR have archive license errors.

      This option should be set by default as it assists in the administration of the ECM Queue.

Task name

Indicates the name of the task.

Object ID to Run

If an object (codeunit, report, XML port, etc.) is used to complete the task, you will have to enter the ID of the object here.

Object Type to Run

Here you specify the type of object to be used.

Filter / parameter

Here you can specify filters to exclude specific records from processing.

Error handling

This field provides three options for selection which define what will happen to records that are prone to a processing error. These options are:

  • Skip to Next Run: The record is skipped in current processing and set to Pending for the next run.

  • Mark as Error and Retry: The record is marked as an error, but re-processing is set.

  • Mark as Error and Stop: The record is marked as an error, and re-processing is stopped.

Max. Age Log Entries (Days)

Here you can set how long the Task Scheduler log for this specific task will be retained. When the deadline, specified in days, has expired the log entries will be removed.


Indicates that a task in the Task Scheduler is active. Only when this option is enabled will the task actually be processed.

Subsequent Task

If there is a dependency between the running tasks regarding the processing order, this can be controlled via the Subsequent task field. The number of the task to be executed next must be entered in this field.

Time Calculation

Here you enter a time calculation code.

Next Scan Start

Indicates the next start of a task in terms of date and time.

Last Scan Start

Indicates date and time at which the task last started.

Last Scan End

Indicates date and time at which the task last ended.

Run Status

This field indicates the status of how the task is or was executed.

  • Empty: The task could be properly completed.

  • Processing: The task is being processed by NAS.

  • Faulty: Processing could not be completed due to an error. However, an attempt is made to execute the task in the next pass.

  • Stopped with Error: Processing could not be completed due to an error; it will no longer be considered in future passes.

In Progress

This option is informational. It is enabled as long as a task is being executed.

ECM Job Queue Entries actions



Execute Task

This action executes the selected Task Scheduler task. The task must be flagged as Enabled.

Execute Task as Test

This action executes the selected Task Scheduler task. The task can also be flagged as inactive (not Enabled) here.

Calculate Next Task Time

This action allows re-determining the Next task start of the selected task.


ECM Job Queue Log Entries

When you execute this action, the page of the Task Scheduler log opens for the selected task.

ECM Task Status

This action opens the status overview of the ECM Task Scheduler.