Further information and specifications

Signature types offered in EASY eSignature

Sign / Signature (Advanced Electronic Signature, AES)

When you select Sign / Sign, you select the Advanced Electronic Signature (AES). It assures the sender and recipient of the same integrity (immutability) as the qualified electronic signature (QES) - but at a lower level of security, for example through simple password verification. For a large number of documents, the advanced signature is legally effective in Germany.

Qualified remote signature from Bundesdruckerei or Swisscom (qualified electronic signature, QES)

Some company-relevant documents require the written form in order to be legally valid or to achieve the greatest possible security through encryption. The qualified electronic signature (QES) is the highest and most secure signature level.
In EASY eSignature, the qualified remote signature from Bundesdruckerei or Swisscom is available. It meets the strict requirements of the eIDAS regulation for remote signatures. This has been confirmed by TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH in an elaborate test procedure, and by the Federal Network Agency through inclusion in the national eIDAS trust list.

Company seal

With the company seal, EASY eSignature also provides the option of applying a company signature to an electronic document.

Read confirmation (without signature)

Although the read confirmation is not a signature type, it is available to you as a selection option in this context. It informs you as the workflow creator when the recipient of the document has seen it.

Signature services

Within the scope of this additional service, you can sign and verify documents in EASY eSignature without having to open a workflow yourself. You can access the Signature Services page via the main menu.




In the first step, upload the document you want to sign or verify. Now you can select Advanced signature or - if you want to verify an already signed document - verify the signature(s). Select and go to Confirmation.

Confirm and the signing or verifying of the document begins. After the process is finished, you will be offered to download the document or verification report.

System requirements

Supported browsers

Chrome, Firefox, Windows Edge, Microsoft Internet Explorer (limited recommended)

Supported resolution

1074x768 minimum (desktop, laptop, tablets, smartphones)


Session cookies, Java script

Supported file formats

Text formats

  • PDF 1.4, 1.5, 1.6

  • Microsoft Word (6.0/95/97/2000/XP/2003) (.doc and .dot)

  • Microsoft Word 2003 XML (.xml)

  • Microsoft Word 2007/2010 XML (.docx, .docm, .dotx, .dotm)

  • Microsoft WinWord 5 (.doc)

  • WordPerfect Document (.wpd)

  • Microsoft Works (.wps)

  • Lotus WordPro (.lwp)

  • Abiword Document (.abw, .zabw)

  • ClarisWorks/Appleworks Document (.cwk)

  • MacWrite Document (.mw, .mcw)

  • Rich Text Format (.rtf)

  • Text CSV (.csv and .txt)

  • StarWriter formats (.sdw, .sgl, .vor)

  • DocBook (.xml)

  • Unified Office Format Text (.uot, .uof)

  • Ichitaro 8/9/10/11 (.jtd and .jtt)

  • Hangul WP 97 (.hwp)

  • T602 Document (.602, .txt)

  • eBook (.pdb)

  • AportisDoc (Palm) (.pdb)

  • Microsoft Pocket Word (.psw)

  • Apple Pages 4 (.pages)

  • HTML Document (.htm and .html)

Table formats

  • Microsoft Excel 4.x-5.0/95/97/2000/XP/2003 (.xls, .xlw and .xlt)

  • Microsoft Excel 2003 XML (.xml)

  • Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 XML (.xlsx, .xlsm, .xlts, .xltm)

  • Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 binary (.xlsb)

  • Lotus 1-2-3 (.wk1, .wks and .123)

  • Data Interchange Format (.dif)

  • Rich Text Format (.rtf)

  • Text CSV (.csv and .txt)

  • StarCalc formats (.sdc and .vor)

  • dBASE (.dbf)

  • SYLK (.slk)

  • Unified Office Format Spreadsheet (.uos, .uof)

  • HTML Document (.htm and .html files - including web page queries)

  • Microsoft Pocket Excel (.pxl)

  • Quattro Pro 6.0 (.wb2)

  • Apple Numbers 2 (.numbers)

Presentation formats

  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP/2003 (.ppt and .pot)

  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010 (.pptx, .pptm, .potx, .potm)

  • StarDraw and StarImpress (.sda, .sdd, .sdp and .vor)

  • Unified Office Format Presentation (.uop and .uof)

  • CGM - Computer Graphics Metafile (.cgm)

  • Portable Document Format (.pdf)

  • Apple Keynote 5 (.key)

Graphics formats

  • Adobe Photoshop (*.psd)

  • AutoCAD Interchange Format (*.dxf)

  • Corel Draw (*.cdr)

  • Corel Presentation Exchange (*.cmx)

  • Microsoft Publisher 98-2010 (*.pub)

  • Microsoft Visio 2000-2013 (*.vdx; *.vsd; *.vsdm; *.vsdx)

  • WordPerfect Graphics (*.wpg)

  • as well as all files with the extensions: BMP, JPEG, JPG, PCX, PSD, SGV, WMF, DXF, MET, PGM, RAS, SVM, XBM, EMF, PBM, PLT, SDA, TGA, XPM, EPS, PCD, PNG, SDD, TIF, TIFF, GIF, PCT, PPM, SGF, VOR,

Supported EASY products

  • EASY Contract from version 4.4 (Build, in connection with EASY Contract Sign as necessary interface to EASY eSignatureEASY DMS from version 5g HF2 (Build 2303), in connection with EASY Sign as necessary interface to EASY eSignature (From EASY DMS 5g HF2 (B. 2203), the signature module is available as installable addon in the directory <InstallPath>\addon\sign).

    • For the use of EASY SIGN and EASY eSignature, it must be ensured that the EASY DMS server can communicate with FP Sign (*fp-sign.com).

    • For the use of EASY SIGN and EASY eSignature in connection with EASY Contract or EASY DMS, it must be ensured that the customer has already converted its system environment to SSL / hhtps communication including the relevant certificates.
      In addition, EASY eSignature can also be used autonomously without additional EASY products.

Supported languages

Language for the EASY eSignature web interface:

In the language menu, you can select the language in which you want to use the web interface.

  • German

  • English (UK, US, CA)

  • Swedish

  • French (FR, BE, CA)

  • Dutch

  • Italian

  • Spanish

Culture (country and language) for your notifications:

In addition, EASY eSignature offers twelve language settings that allow global users to receive all notifications in their native language. You can set these language preferences in your profile settings under Language and Country.

  • Germany - German

  • Austria - German

  • Switzerland - German

  • United Kingdom - English

  • United States of America - English

  • Canada - English

  • Spain - Spanish

  • France - French

  • Belgium - French

  • Canada - French

  • Switzerland - French

  • Italy - Italian

  • Switzerland - Italian

  • Netherlands - Dutch

  • Belgium - Dutch

  • Sweden - Swedish